Offices and Departments

Academic Departments and Programs Health Services
Academic Services and Learning Resources Hogan Campus Center
Administration & Finance Human Resources (HR)
Admissions Information Security
Information Technology Services (ITS)
Alumni Relations Institutional Research
Archives & Distinctive Collections
Assessment and Research, Office ITS Help Desk
Athletic Department Investment Office
Audio-Visual Services J.D. Power Center for Liberal Arts in the World
Jesuit Community
Bookstore Laboratory and Studio Safety
Budget and Planning Library Services
Campus Recreation, Office of Millard Lab
Cantor Art Gallery Mission and Ministry, Division of
Center for Career Development (formerly Career Planning) The Multimedia Resource Center
Center for Liberal Arts in the World (J.D. Power Center) Parent and Family Engagement
Physical Plant (Facilities)
College Marketing and Communications Post Office
Controller President's Office
Counseling Center
Crusader OneCard Public Affairs (College Marketing and Communications)
Dean's Office (Provost and Dean of the College) Public Safety
Dean of Students Purchasing
Recreation, Office of Campus
Dining Services Registrar's Office
Disability Services (Office of Accessibility Services) Residence Life
Distinguished Fellowships and Graduate Studies Senior Vice President's Office
Sponsored Research Office
Student Accessibility Services, Office of
Educational Design and Digital Media Services Student Development
Events and Conference Services, Office of Student Inclusion and Belonging
Finance Student Integrity and Community Standards
Financial Aid Student Involvement, Office of
Foundation and Corporate Relations Office Student Wellness Education
General Counsel Study Abroad
Government and Community Relations, Office Training
Grants Office (Sponsored Research) Sexual Respect and Title IX
Graphic Arts Transportation